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Dickens Assessment and Training Services is a specialised provider of operator training.The full Student Handbook link below provides clear guidelines for personal responsibilities of learners and refers to relevant policies that define those requirements and provide the reasons behind them.

Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for
  • Understanding and accepting the enrolment conditions for the courses they undertake
  • Providing accurate information about themselves at the time of enrolment, and to advise the RTO of any personal information changes, including to their address or phone numbers within seven days
  • Paying of all fees and charges associated with their course
  • Abiding by any dress code stipulated by DATS, including the prohibition of wearing thongs to class
  • Switching their mobile phone off during class time
  • Not swear
  • No smoking or vaping in classrooms or around machinery
  • Not cheating or plagiarising in course work/assessments submitted for assessment
  • Recognising the rights of staff and other students to be treated with dignity and fairness, and behaving in an appropriate and acceptable manner towards them
  • Punctual attendance
  • Ensuring they attend classes sober and drug-free, and smoke in designated areas
  • The security of their personal possessions while attending a course
  • Promptly report all incidents of harassment or injury to the General Manager
  • Use personal protective equipment where required and follow all WHS instructions
  • Respecting the RTO’s property by not littering, causing damage, stealing, modify or misusing DATS property or training venue property
  • Observe policy guidelines and instructions for the use of equipment
  • Seeking clarification of their rights and responsibilities when in doubt
  • Asking for assistance and/or support when needed.

All courses require an adequate level of English language and/or literacy. Students should be aware that if they cannot speak or understand English sufficiently, their enrolment may not be accepted. Please note Dickens Assessment and Training Services only carries out assessments for all courses, including White Card, in English. 

Student Support
Dickens Assessment and Training Services ensures that all students are given support while studying with Dickens Assessment and Training Services. This support includes both academic support and personal support. 
As part of DATS’ commitment to supporting its students, all individuals enrolled in a qualification that requires workplace training will be informed at the commencement of their program about the frequency of trainer visits.  These visits will be conducted to monitor progress, as well as to deliver training and/or assessments.  Additionally, students will receive email updates regarding their progress each time they successfully complete a unit within the qualification. 
While all staff at Dickens Assessment and Training Services are responsible for providing support to students, trainers play a key role in overseeing and ensuring the well-being of students throughout their learning journey.  
In addition, Dickens Assessment and Training Services shall nominate a ‘Student Support Officer’ who shall be available to all students, on an appointment basis, through the standard RTO hours of business. 
Students can access DATS Staff at and an appointment will be organised as soon as practical. 
Where it is identified that students are having learning difficulties, Dickens Assessment and Training Services will provide additional support to the students in the form of additional learning time, additional reading material, one-on-one training with the trainer where possible, and more support from their workplace supervisor. 
If further assistance is required, Students will be referred to specialist external support agencies. If students are having emotional or psychological issues during the course, Dickens Assessment and Training Services will provide referrals to appropriate agencies. Students may choose to seek support immediately by contacting:
English Language Support – GEOS Queensland College of English Gold Coast       07 5531 6788
English Language Support – Australian International College of Language                07 5531 1990
Adult Learning Australia                                                                                               03 9689 8623
Interpreting services                                                                                                    13 14 50
Alcohol and drug information services (24hr counselling and information)                 1800 177 833
Lifeline                                                                                                                         13 11 14
Salvation Army                                                                                                             1300 363 622
Fees, Charges & Refunds (excluding RPL)
Fee for service
Our Fee Schedule is available on request and is subject to change. Government charges may apply to courses which encompass Licencing requirements. Fees are to be paid as per the invoice issued. A student is considered not eligible for the issue of any course Certificate or Statement of Attainment until all required fees are paid.
All enrolments are considered tentative until full payment has been received. Course fees that exceed $1000 require a deposit of $1000 to confirm the enrolment, with the remaining balance due upon commencement of training. If the total fee is more than $1500, this will be paid in instalments such that no more than $1500 is held in prepaid fees at any given time. Payment methods include cash, credit card, BPAY, cheque, money order or direct deposit. Pricing for publicly scheduled courses is specified on each course flyer. In the event of a course being cancelled by Dickens Assessment and Training Services, fees are guaranteed, and Students will be offered a place in the next available course. 
Refunds for courses are only available if the Student or their Employer notifies DATS of their withdrawal at least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of the course. Refunds are made to the student, organisation or third party who originally paid the course fee. A refund of all or part of the DATS fee may be given in the following exceptional circumstances:
  • The Student/Employer overpaid the course fee.
  • The Student enrolled in a course that has been cancelled by Dickens Assessment and Training Services
  • The Student has endured extended hospitalisation or illness supported by a medical certificate.
  • The Student has contracted COVID. A refund will only be provided if supported by medical certificate/test results. A transfer date can be arranged. Any student who is unwell, or who is required to self‑isolate, must not attend class or must be sent home.
  • Pregnancy/child birth of the Student or their spouse (other than in cases of medical complication covered by the above).
  • The Training Manager believes the Student would be unreasonably disadvantaged if they were not granted a refund, for example, if the Student met with a serious misadventure and were unable to continue their enrolment.
  • Dickens Assessment and Training Services is to cease trading or fails to deliver the agreed services.
Circumstances not usually regarded as grounds for a refund include job change, change in work hours, moving interstate, redundancy/retrenchment, inconvenience of travel to campus.
A refund will not be paid:
  • If materials, equipment or resources received remain the property of the student.
  • If the Student does not attend or does not give adequate prior notification that they cannot attend a course.
  • If the Student has insufficient ID (if applicable to the course being undertaken, e.g. High Risk Work Licence or White Card).
  • If the Student has actively participated in a course (see below).
Active participation is:
  • Submitting assessments
  • Attending theory or practical sessions
  • Attending exams or tests
Re-issue of a testamur is $55 (including GST).
Re-issue of a Card is $33 (including GST).
If Dickens Assessment and Training Services fails to deliver the course or otherwise fails to provide the services agreed to, a full refund will be paid to the student within 14 days of the default by Dickens Assessment and Training Services.
To view our full Student Handbook please, click here
To view our Complaints and Appeals Policy, please click here
To view our Complaint Form please, click here


DATS specialises in quality training and assessment for the civil and general construction industries throughout Queensland and New South Wales.

We provide on-site and site-specific training in Nationally Recognised qualifications to meet your business and individual needs.



1/7 Elswick Place
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450


Suite 7, Level 2, 56 Delhi Road
Macquarie Park NSW 2113


52 Savage Street
Pinkenba QLD 4008


Dickens Assessment and
Training Services Pty Ltd

Registered Training Organisation

RTO No. 31664  

ABN: 29 127 641 758 

SAS Provider: PS102099

1300 014 415

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