All enrolees must read the Student Handbook and relevant course flyer prior to enrolment.
Pre-Enrolment information is also available via the Information tab.
For Short Course Stand-alone Units
Click here to complete our online Enrolment Form.
After your Enrolment Form is received, it will be processed by our staff within 24 business hours. You will receive a confirmation email or letter to confirm the details of your enrolment along with a copy of your invoice. Please read this information carefully to ensure you bring the required documentation to the course.
If you would prefer to complete a hard copy of our enrolment form, you can download a copy here and return to us either via email to:
Queensland branch - info@datservices.com.au or in person at 52 Savage Street, Pinkenba, QLD 4008
New South Wales branch - coffs@datservices.com.au or in person at 1/7 Elswick Place, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
Payment Options include BPay, Credit card and Cash.
If you are an Employer or JSA wishing to book a place in an upcoming course, please
Click here to complete our online Booking Form
A separate Enrolment Form will be required from each participating student. This MUST be completed by the student themselves and returned to DATS as soon as possible before the course. Students may complete their form online, or can download a copy.
If the student has been approved for funding please contact us to obtain a copy of our funding enrolment form.
Please note that this booking is not confirmed until proof of payment or PO has been received.
Once the Student Enrolment Form has been received, both you and your client/staff member will receive a confirmation email to confirm the details of their enrolment. Please read this information carefully to ensure your client/staff member brings the required documentation to the course.